Bluetooth Lamp Project

Project Description

This project stemmed from the lack of a lightswitch in my apartment in New Zealand. I had a lamp but did not want to have to get up to turn my light off every night. From my experience with relays and Arduino, I used relays and Arduino as well as a Bluetooth enabled adapter to the Ardunio Uno in order to switch the lamp through my phones Bluetooth.

Draft drawing of the intent of the project. This schematic doesn't show the Arduino connection to Bluetooth.

Relay with line voltage into the left side, and 5V control wires to the digital pins of the Arduino on the other.

Overall circuit on breadboard used to connect Arduino to Bluetooth chip and then to the lamp. This version used an LED and not relays so this source was used in tandem with other reference projects.

Example of the interface used to switch the Arduino digital pins and in turn the relay. The app used LightBlue allowed the search for peripherals and find the Bluetooth enables chip connected to the Arduino.